Frankendorf (Oberndorf near Beilngries)

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Frankendorf is an abandoned village that was near Oberndorf , a current district of the city of Beilngries in the Upper Bavarian district of Eichstätt .


Oberndorf is located east of the Sulztal , west of the Weißen Laaber and north of the Ottmaringer Valley on the plateau of the southern Franconian Jura in the Altmühltal Nature Park . The lost Frankendorf must have been close to Oberndorf.


Frankendorf (= village of Franko), which probably only consisted of three or four farms, was an old Eichstätt property and was confirmed in the dispute between the Eichstätt bishop and Bavaria over the inheritance of the Hirschberg counts in 1305 in the Gaimersheim arbitration as part of the lower Eichstätt bishopric . The farms were given as fiefdoms . In 1414 a farm was returned to the bishop by selling Baltasar Muracher. In 1447 this farm appears under the name "Frankenhof" as a divided farm, which was decreed to Kunz Rüger and Kunz Hofer in Oberndorf; apparently the farm was already without any buildings and was operated by the two Oberndorf residents as a side estate. So it seems that the place ceased to be an independent settlement in the Middle Ages. In 1644 the Beilngries red tanner Martin Lederer owned one half; the other had come to the parish church in Dietfurt an der Altmühl and taken on lease by farmers from Oberndorfer .

In Frankendorf it must also Adelsbesitz or noble fief gave, for the Regensburg Citizens Walter Kufras bought a farm to Frankendorf and gave him in 1318 the Benedictines - Plankstetten Abbey . This yard was also divided. The farmer Ul Has, who owned the "upper", larger farm in 1463, had 36 Metzen Korn and Haber to pay taxes to the monastery. The other property was owned by Ul Andreas as a “hereditary farm”. He had 14 Metzen Korn and Haber to give to Plankstetten every year. In the Plankstetter Salbuch from 1646, the Frankendorfer Höfe are no longer noted, with the exception of a field fief that was held by an Oberndorfer for twelve Metzen Korn and Haber and was probably a remnant of the hereditary farm of Ul Andreas from 1463; their buildings seem to have perished in the Thirty Years War . According to another opinion, Frankendorf was destroyed or made uninhabitable by cave invasions as a karst phenomenon.


  • Felix Mader : History of the castle and Oberamt Hirschberg. Brönner & Daentler, Eichstätt 1940, pp. 165f.
  • A. Lehner: Caves in the Upper Palatinate. In: The Upper Palatinate. Vol. 18, issue 1/3, 1924, pp. 5-8.

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