Franz Anton Dimmler

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Franz Anton Dimmler , with the last name also Dimler and Dümmler , (born October 14, 1753 in Mannheim ; † February 7, 1827 in Munich ) was a German composer and classical instrumental musician.

life and work

Dimmler was a pupil of Wojciech Żywny in horn and Abbé Vogler in composition.

In 1767 Dimmler became a French horn player in the court orchestra in Mannheim. In 1778 he came to Munich by relocating the court of Count Palatine, Elector and Archduke Karl Theodor . He became a double bass player there, however.

Symphonies, concerts, quartets and trios have been preserved by hand from Dimmler. The six trios were printed by the Munich music publisher M. Falter . Dimmler also wrote the operettas Der Guckkasten (1794), Die Schatzgräber (1798) and Die Zobeljäger . His 185 ballet pieces are particularly famous.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Wilibald Gurlitt, 1959: Franz Anton Dimler.
  2. ^ Carl Dahlhaus, 1972: Franz Anton Dimler