Franz Bernhard Rodde (politician, 1721)

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Franz Bernhard Rodde (* 1721 in Lübeck ; † 14 May 1790 there ) was mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Franz Bernhard Rodde was the son of Adolph Rodde, councilor from Lübeck . As a young man, Rodde traveled to the Netherlands, Great Britain and France as well as Russia to study. In his hometown of Lübeck he was declared of age prematurely at the age of 22 and was self-employed as a businessman at the normal age of majority of 24. He belonged to the merchant company in Lübeck. Fehling commented critically to him:

"He was respected by his contemporaries as a generous businessman who, however, also showed a lively interest in civil activity"

- Emil Ferdinand Fehling

Rodde was elected to the Lübeck council in 1757 and was appointed mayor of Lübeck in 1789 .

He was married to Johanna Christina Dreyer, the daughter of the Lübeck mayor Johann Heinrich Dreyer .


  • Johann David Polchow : Did our region win with the introduction of Christianity under Otto the Great and Duke Henrich the Lion? : after congratulating Mr. Franz Bernhard Rodde, fourth mayor of the city of Lübeck , Green, Lübeck 1789.
  • Friedrich Daniel Behn : The meritorious life of the Magnifici ... Mr. Franz Bernhard Rodde. .̤ eminent merchants and merchants highly deserved mayor of the imperial free imperial city of Lübeck designed from articles communicated and communicated on the day of the solemn burial. Lübeck, on May 21, 1790 , Green , Lübeck 1790.
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeck Council Line , Lübeck 1925, No. 899.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Emil Ferdinand Fehling: Lübeckische Ratslinie , Lübeck 1925, No. 863.