Merchant class in Lübeck

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The Lübeck merchants ' union has been the merger of the old merchants' colleges in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck since 1853 . It is an old legal body under public law and has a seal .


Seal of the merchants in Lübeck

The merchants of Lübeck have their origins in the "gemenen copmen by der travene" - the trading colleges - which took over economic self-administration after the founding of Lübeck in the middle of the 12th century.

Through the revolutionary year of 1848, the residents of the city in Lübeck were put on an equal footing with the citizens, so that the Luebian law of merchants' companies ( guilds ) fell to exclusive representation in the council and citizenship. In this respect, the existing since the Middle Ages until then, eight companies were (the merchants company of the Riga driver Schonenfahrer , Stockholm drivers Novgorodfahrer, tailors, climbers and Chandler's Company, the once powerful circle company was previously off) by the law of the Lübeck State from June 18, 1853 with her consent to merchants .

The merchant class was initially a public body that every trader in Lübeck had to join. At the same time, the first chamber of commerce was created with the tasks of an economic authority as the board of the merchants, to which 18 representatives of the merchants were elected. This regulation lasted until Lübeck's state independence was lost through the Greater Hamburg Law in 1937, with which Lübeck was given a Prussian Chamber of Industry and Commerce .

Commemorative coin

Medal of honor of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce

What the order was in a monarchical state has been a simple commemorative coin in a state like that of Lübeck, which was based on self-administration. Three different commemorative medals were awarded in Lübeck for different services. The Senate decreed the first, the one with the inscription “ Bene merenti ”. The second was donated by the Chamber of Commerce and the third gave the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities the opportunity to receive awards .

The honorary commemorative coin of the Chamber of Commerce was donated on February 29, 1876 with the purpose of honoring men who had performed outstanding services in Lübeck's trade , shipping and traffic . On the face of the coin, in the midst of a laurel wreath, stood the words: “In recognition of the merit for trade and traffic”, while on the reverse was the seal of the chamber. The coin was in silver and gold occurrence awarded.

When Lübeck lost its statehood in 1937, the meaning of the coins changed with the loss of the Lübeck Senate and its Chamber of Commerce. While the chamber disappeared, the area of ​​the former Senate coin was expanded.


The Lübeck Kaufmannschaft is an association of entrepreneurs and executives from the Lübeck region who are active in business and society and who support the goals of the Lübeck Kaufmannschaft. The organization currently has around 600 personal members from industry, trade, services, the liberal professions, the skilled trades and business-relevant institutions.

As a regional economic organization, the Lübeck merchants' association supports the Hanseatic city in representing its economic interests, thereby representing the overall interests of its members.

The tripartite strategy of the Lübeck merchants is entitled “Growing economy for Lübeck and the region”. The business community sees itself as an institution that sees itself as a mouthpiece, network and supporter of the economy in the Lübeck region and is characterized by macroeconomic, city-wide and regional effects. This self-image of the strategic orientation of the Lübeck merchants is summarized below.

  1. We are the mouthpiece of the economy in the Lübeck region (we are macroeconomic, city-wide and regional):
    • We are the self-confident lobby of entrepreneurs and managers from Lübeck and the region.
    • Our voluntary and personal membership sets us apart from other institutions and makes us independent and strong.
    • We are a venerable institution with a long history and bring the ideal of the “honorable businessman” to life in a contemporary way.
    • Our voice is heard in Lübeck and the region.
    • We are the promoter of the economic framework conditions in Lübeck and the surrounding area.
    • We are actively involved in regional and municipal committees.
  2. We are a network of business in the Lübeck region:
    • We give all members the opportunity to introduce themselves to the other members of the business community in order to establish business connections.
    • We promote the transfer of knowledge and the contact between the members through events and lectures.
    • We are the independent platform for contacts between municipalities and districts and companies in the region.
  3. We support the economy in the Lübeck region:
    • We promote and advise the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and the surrounding areas in economic matters if this appears beneficial within the framework of this strategy.
    • We encourage and demand more practical relevance and economic knowledge in the general education schools in the region.
    • We are committed on a voluntary and full-time basis to the above Achieve goals.

The statutory tasks of the merchants include that the merchants support the Hanseatic city of Lübeck in the representation of economic interests and promote the economic location Lübeck within the scope of its possibilities. In this way it represents the overall economic interests of its members. The merchants promote the next generation for the economy of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.

The merchants promote and support in particular:

  1. Facilities and activities whose aim is to improve the economic conditions and structure of Lübeck as a business location,
  2. Educational initiatives that serve to convey practical and economically relevant content,
  3. Activities of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce and Industry relating to the Hanseatic City of Lübeck,
  4. Activities of the responsible bodies of the city administration of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck or subordinate bodies or institutions in which the Hanseatic City of Lübeck is involved in economic matters,
  5. the dialogue between the members,
  6. Forces who have set themselves the task of "listed property", such as merchant houses, Stiftshöhe and the like still preserved in Lübeck. to preserve and maintain from the past.

The Kaufmannschaft zu Lübeck owns the house of the Kaufmannschaft in the Breiten Straße and the Schabbelhaus in the Mengstraße . Hartmut Richter has been President of the Lübeck Merchants' Association since January 1, 2019.

President since 1853

  • Senator Georg Heinrich Nölting (1790–1874), chairman ad interim in the founding phase in 1853
  • Johannes Christoph Fehling (1800–1882), President 1853-
  • Gabriel Christian Carl Hermann Schroeder (1823-1883), President 1864- (Senator from 1865)
  • Johannes Albrecht Suckau , President 1874-
  • Herrmann Fehling (1842–1907), President 1898-99, 1903-04 (was awarded the gold medal of honor, the highest award of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce, at the end of his third term of office.)
  • Eduard Rabe (1844–1920), President 1901–1902 and 1905-06
  • Consul Carl Dimpker (1856–1923), President 1909-10, 1914-15, 1917-18
  • Hermann Eschenburg , President 1946–1952
  • Hans-Peter Boye, President 1953–1958
  • Werner Plath, President 1959–1964
  • Wolfgang Eschenburg, President 1965–1969
  • Georg Rieckmann, President 1970–1976
  • Jochen Brüggen, President 1977–1982
  • Heinrich Jürgens, President 1983–1988
  • Jochen Haukohl, President 1989–1991
  • Walter Trautsch, President 1992–1997
  • Hans-Jürgen Bockholdt, President 1997-2003
  • Lutz Kleinfeldt, President 2004–2010
  • Lutz von Majewsky, President 2010–2012
  • Michael Weiß, President 2013–2018
  • Hartmut Richter, President since 2019


  • Nicolaus Lange: Merchants to Lübeck. Historical summary. Shipping and trade in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck from 819 to 2003. Lübeck merchants, Lübeck 2004.

Web links

Commons : Kaufmannschaft zu Lübeck  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The coin of honor of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce. , In: Father City Leaves , No. 3, January 15, 1905 edition, pp. 11-12.
  2. Objectives of the Lübeck merchants' association  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /