Franz Bläsner

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Franz Bläsner (around 1932)

Franz Bläsner (born July 31, 1899 in Schillelswacte or Schillelwethen, Niederung district; † July 1, 1934 near Tilsit ) was a German SA man and victim of the Röhm putsch .

Franz Bläsner learned the roofing trade after attending school . On July 1, 1931, he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 583.182).

On June 30 or July 1, 1934, Bläsner, then with the rank of SA troop leader, was arrested by the SS in the course of the Röhm affair . On July 1, he became during transportation from Tilsit to Konigsberg from the obersturmführer Heinz Fanslau on the orders of his superiors Erich von dem Bach-Zalewski killed from behind with two shots to the head. Fanslau was sentenced to three years in prison by the Munich jury court in July 1963 for aiding and abetting murder .


  • Otto Gritschneder : "The Führer sentenced you to death ..." Hitler's Röhm Putsch murders in court . CH Beck, Munich 1993.

Individual evidence

  1. Stockhorst: 5000 heads. Who had which role in the third Reich? P. 61.