Franz Brozincevic

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Franz Brozincevic (born May 28, 1874 in Brinje , Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia , Austria-Hungary , as Franjo Brozinčević ; † December 21, 1933 in Enzendorf , Gallspach , Austria ) was a Swiss engineer and designer of Croatian origin. He was the founder of the truck manufacturer FBW .

FBW Bus (YOC 1925)

In 1892 he came to Switzerland, where he began to work for various truck manufacturers and was naturalized in 1910. In 1910 he built his first own truck called Franz , which was used by the Swiss Post . In December 1913 he founded Franz AG (today part of AH Meyer Holding ), which he sold again in 1914, but initially remained its boss. After differences, he founded Franz Brozincevic & Cie in 1916 . in Wetzikon (from 1930 AG), which initially u. a. Produced tractors , from 1919 trucks again, FBW brand, and other commercial vehicles. These were built under the name FBW until 1985.

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