Franz Giftschütz

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Franz Giftschütz (born April 10, 1748 in Vienna ; † August 10, 1788 there ) was an Austrian pastoral theologian.


Franz Giftschütz was the son of poor parents. He studied theology in Vienna and after his ordination was an assistant chaplain and early preacher at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, until he was appointed to the chair of pastoral theology at the University of Vienna during the first years of the government of Emperor Joseph II . The guideline he wrote for the German lectures on pastoral theology (1782, 3 parts) required in the kk hereditary lands had five editions by 1811 and was also translated into Latin on behalf of the Austrian government for use in the non-German provinces of the monarchy; A Czech translation was published in Olomouc in 1788 . The Polish translation under the title Osnowa przepisanego w cesarstwa Koronie dziedzicznych państwach uczenia teologii pastoralnej (Lemberg 1787) was done by Mikołaj Skorodyński (1757-1805).

His brother was the priest and teacher Karl Giftschütz (1753-1831).


  • Guide to the German lectures on pastoral theology prescribed in the KK Erblanden ; 1787 and more often ( Permalink ).
