Franz Lehr

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Franz Lehr (* 1948 in Haßfurt ; † December 25, 2009 in Berlin ) was a German stage and costume designer.


Lehr studied industrial design in Pforzheim , painting at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main and finally costume design at the Berlin University of the Arts . He then worked at theaters in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Geneva, Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzig, Munich and Vienna, where he designed sets and costumes for both spoken and musical theater productions.

In 2003 he was nominated for the Nestroy Prize for the best equipment for Inside the Freezing Point , a co-production of the Schauspielhaus Graz and the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf . He worked regularly with the actress Karin Neuhäuser and accompanied her directorial work “with a congenial imagination”. He was invited to Greece to furnish Neuhauser's production of Oresty in 2007 and was celebrated at the Hellenic Festival in Athens : “There are images in the theater that you don't forget. The huge blood pool that Franz Lehr created in 2006 for Karin Neuhäuser's impressive staging of the 'Orestie' is one of them. "

Lehr died in Berlin in 2009 after a long, serious illness.

Pieces (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Christine Dössel: The blood pool builder. On the death of the stage and costume designer Franz Lehr . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, December 29, 2009.