Franz Teping

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Franz Teping (born June 6, 1880 in Norddöllen ; † April 4, 1956 in Vechta ) was a German ministerial official and headmaster .


Teping was the son of Heuer's born Johann Adolph Teping and his wife Katharina Kolhoff. From 1895 to 1899 he attended the Antonianum Vechta high school and then studied German , French and English in Bonn and Münster . In 1905 he passed the 1st state examination and after two more years of preparatory service became a senior teacher at the grammar school in Mülheim / Ruhr. In 1911 he switched to teaching at his former grammar school in Vechta.

In 1914 he took over the management of the local advanced school and one year later became director of the newly founded Realprogymnasium Cloppenburg , which was expanded into a full institution under his direction in the following years.

In 1923 Teping left the school service and took a position as Ministerialrat in the Ministry of Churches and Schools in the Free State of Oldenburg . Together with his official colleague Paul Wessner , he developed curricula and the school leaving examination regulations for the state's higher schools. Teping was also involved in redesigning the Oldenburg teacher training program. He endeavored to provide a university education for elementary school teachers, which, based on the educational policy concept of the majority in the Landtag in the Free State, should be confessionally separated. Since the financial possibilities were limited, however, instead of a teachers' seminar in Vechta, only a two-year pedagogical course for Catholic teacher applicants could be set up from May 1, 1928. The model for Protestant teacher students that was introduced in Oldenburg in 1926 was the model.

Like Wessner, Teping was an opponent of National Socialism and resolutely opposed the penetration of National Socialist ideas into Oldenburg's students and teachers. After the NSDAP took over the government in Oldenburg , Teping came under increasing pressure in his office at the ministry and was finally transferred to his former position as head of the advanced school in Vechta in 1934. In 1939 he also took over the management of the Antonianum Vechta grammar school, which had been converted into a German secondary school , due to the shortage of teachers under the pressure of war, which was then also merged with the secondary school for girls after the upper lyceum of the Sisters of Our Lady was closed.

Teping headed these institutes until 1945 and shortly thereafter again separated the coeducation and converted the high school for boys into an old-language grammar school . In 1946 he also resumed his work in the ministry. He retired in 1948.


In 1949 Teping published a study on the struggle for denominational schools during the Nazi era. In addition, he wrote numerous essays on the ecclesiastical and secular history of South Oldenburg, was a board member of the Heimatbund for the Oldenburger Münsterland and head of the committee for local history.

  • Oldenburg, in: Staatslexikon. Edited by the Görres Society . Freiburg, 1928.
  • Oldenburg education system. Published in: Lexicon of Contemporary Pedagogy. Freiburg, 1931.
  • The fight for the denominational school in Oldenburg during the rule of the Nazi government. Munster 1949;
  • The training of Catholic teachers in Vechta. Published in: From 7 centuries past of the city and district of Vechta. Vechta, 1954, pp. 105-106.
  • The Antonianum grammar school in Vechta. Published ibid., Pp. 107–110.
