Franz Woerger

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Johann Christoph Boecklin : Franz Wörger

Franz Wörger (born April 1, 1643 in Lübeck ; † November 1708 ibid) was a Lutheran clergyman and theological writer.


Franz Wörger was the son of the Lübeck pastor at the Petrikirche Bernhard Wörger, who died on February 23, 1647. Wörger attended the Katharineum in Lübeck , was matriculated at the University of Rostock in 1657 and studied theology at the universities of Jena, Kiel and Helmstedt. On June 29, 1673 Wörger was appointed preacher at the (old) suburban church of St. Lorenz in Lübeck. After two suspensions of the belligerent Wörger from this office because of rebellion against the Lübeck church regiment, he was finally removed from office by the Lübeck council in 1692. In 1693 he tried unsuccessfully for a preaching position at the German St. Petri Church in Copenhagen . He then lived as a private scholar in Lübeck until his death and wrote numerous writings, among which his discussion with the Kiel doctor Johann Daniel Major is particularly emphasized in the literature because the mutual verbal juries triggered two statements by the law faculties in Wittenberg and Leipzig.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ According to Karl Theodor Gaedertz : Archival news about the state of theater in Hildesheim, Lübeck, Lüneburg in the 16th and 17th centuries: Contributions to German cultural and church history. Bremen: Müller 1888, p. 152 f. ADB different: 1647
  2. Entry on graduation as a Magister May 2, 1617, Rostocker Matrikelportal
  3. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal