Franz Wasner

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Franz Wasner with John Paul II.
Petersfriedhof Salzburg, crypt No. 52 with canons graves.
Petersfriedhof Salzburg, crypt No. 52: Franz Wasner's grave inscription

Franz Mathias Wasner (born December 28, 1905 in Feldkirchen near Mattighofen , † June 21, 1992 in Salzburg ) was a Roman Catholic theologian who was the artistic director of the Trapp Family Singers and a missionary .

Franz Wasner was ordained a priest in 1929 by Archbishop Ignatius Rieder . He then studied canon law in Rome, where he also obtained a doctorate. During his studies in Rome he lived in the priestly college of the Pontifical Institute of Santa Maria dell'Anima .

He could his musical talent at the villa of Georg von Trapp in Aigen near Salzburg demonstrate and accompanied consecutive Trapp family in Austria was occupied by the German Wehrmacht in the emigration and it was beyond even spiritual assistance of the family. The Trapp Family Singers' repertoire of over 150 pieces was mostly arranged by Franz Wasner.

After the dissolution of the world-famous choir, Wasner went to the Fiji Islands as a missionary and later to Rome again as Rector of the Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima . In 1972 he became a member of the Salzburg Cathedral Chapter and composed other pieces of music.

His home community Feldkirchen near Mattighofen made him an honorary citizen . Franz Wasner is buried in the crypt of the Salzburg cathedral chapter in the Petersfriedhof Salzburg (crypt No. 52).


Web links

Commons : Franz Wasner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Josef Lenzenweger: Sancta Maria de Anima. First and second foundation . Herder, Vienna-Rome, p. 165 .