Franz von Roques (clergyman)

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Franz von Roques (born August 10, 1826 in Marburg / Lahn ; † March 12, 1887 in Treysa , today Schwalmstadt) was metropolitan and pastor in Treysa, Frankenhain and Neustadt (Hesse) and a pioneer of deaconry in Kurhessen . The Hephata Diakonie in Schwalmstadt , the Kurhessisches Diakonissenhaus in Kassel and the CVJM -Landesverband Kurhessen-Waldeck go back to his impulses .

Portrait of the Pastor Franz von Roques, undated

Since 2010, the Protestant parish at his place of work has been named after him.

Family and work

Roques' grandfather and father were pastors and metropolitans in Treysa. Franz von Roques therefore grew up in Treysa in the rectory in Burggasse. After studying in Marburg, he was ordained in September 1851. He then worked as a private tutor and did a lot of voluntary work before he became vicar of the newly founded Protestant community in Neustadt / Hessen in 1855. A good year later, he became pastor of the second pastorate in Treysa, and after his father's death in 1866, he was succeeded as the first pastor in Treysa, pastor of Frankenhain and Metropolitan.

Development work until 1864

The youth club

Even before his ordination, in June 1851, Franz von Roques founded a “youth club” which had 133 members. In the evenings, the young men gathered, were taught different subjects and discussed different topics. Von Roques was involved in the club evenings, but was primarily an organizer. He also helped to set up such associations in other places in the region. He was in contact with the Rheinisch Westfälischer Jünglingsbund in Elberfeld and founded the Kurhessischer Landesverband in 1852. The YMCA regional association Kurhessen-Waldeck therefore leads Franz von Roques as the founder. The uniform Bible reading plan he introduced in 1852 for all youth unions is a by-product of this work, the nucleus for today's Bible reading plans.

The new Protestant parish in Neustadt / Hessen

After 1850, the few Protestant residents of Neustadt, which was dominated by Catholicism, tried to organize a community (around 150 in Neustadt and almost 70 more in the surrounding Catholic villages). Von Roques initially only took over services and other tasks against the fare, but was officially commissioned to take care of the new vicariate in 1855. He remained responsible for Neustadt for twelve years, in addition to his duties in Treysa. The high point of its effectiveness was the dedication of the young congregation's church in 1861.

The work and rescue house

At the end of 1852 a committee headed by Franz von Roques applied to the municipal commission for the poor to set up a workhouse in the Hainer (Hainaer) Hof, the then municipal building at Burggasse 6. Anyone who needed support had to come to the workhouse and work there: “No support without consideration. “Right at the start, 14 men and 10 women came together here and did tasks such as chopping wood, weaving baskets and spinning. In 1960 there were already 57 adults. In addition, a rescue center for neglected boys and orphans, i.e. street children, began in 1852. They even lived entirely in the Hainer Hof, where von Roques moved in as the father of the house and, after his marriage in 1855, his wife as the house mother. Up to 1860, 41 children came together here, received accommodation, food and clothing, and received additional lessons in the afternoons after elementary school. Franz von Roques remained the head of the house until 1857, and in the 1860s a deaconess was the house mother for a time.

Deaconess house and Hephata

Initiated by Theodor Fliedner, Franz von Roques set up a deaconess house in Treysa. In consultation with him, his friend Heinrich Heppe wrote a corresponding appeal in 1864. Even at the founding meeting, however, there was heated debate as to whether the little Treysa was the right location. In the same year, the Hessian deaconess house was opened in a former paper mill in front of the city, today's House Nazareth in Hephata. The parent company actually developed no traction at this location and developed slowly, so it was moved to Kassel in 1880/1883, where it is still today. Before the move in 1877, an educational institution for neglected girls was set up in the buildings in Treysa, the nucleus of today's Diakoniezentrum Hephata.

End of life

From 1875 onwards, Franz von Roques was severely restricted by a stroke, but continued to do his job. He died on March 12, 1887 and was buried with great sympathy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evangelical parish of Franz von Roques in Schwalmstadt .
  2. Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder aus Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, pp. 291-302, p. 294
  3. ^ Hütteroth, Oskar, Kurhessische Pfarrergeschichte, 1st volume, Die Klasse Treysa, Treysa 1922, p. 45
  4. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder aus Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 292
  5. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 13
  6. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder aus Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 293
  7. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder aus Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 293
  8. CVJM-Landesverband Kurhessen-Waldeck, KuLa-Report. Anniversary edition 150 years CVJM Landesverband Kurhessen-Waldeck e. V., Kassel 2002, p. 9
  9. CVJM-Landesverband Kurhessen-Waldeck, KuLa-Report. Anniversary edition, p. 8
  10. Gensch, Martin, Origin and History of the Bible Reading Plans, the Annual Solution and the Monthly Sayings, in: CVJM-Westbund, FdW-Brief 3/2007, p. 3
  11. , on July 17, 2012
  12. Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 295
  13. Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 295
  14. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 13
  15. Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, pp. 295f.
  16. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 14; Francke, Rudolf, Christian love activity in Kurhessen, Kassel 1904, p. 158
  17. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, 296
  18. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, 296
  19. ^ Francke, Rudolf, The Christian love activity in Kurhessen, Kassel 1904, p. 158
  20. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 15; Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 298
  21. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel, 1889, pp 16f; Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826–1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830–1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, pp. 298f.
  22. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 18
  23. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 299
  24. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 38
  25. Sardemann, French, history of the Hessian Deaconess house at Cassel and his work areas, Cassel 1889, p 40
  26. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 300
  27. ^ Giebel, Alfred, Franz Hieronymus Heinrich von Roques (1826-1887), in: Ingeborg Schnack, Lebensbilder from Kurhessen and Waldeck 1830-1930, Volume 5, Marburg 1955, p. 301