Fred Jungclaus

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Fred Jungclaus in the plenary hall of the Bremen citizenship

Fred Johann Carl Jungclaus (born May 6, 1949 in Bremerhaven ; † December 13, 1992 there ) was a German vocational school teacher and politician .


Fred Jungclaus grew up in Beverstedt , in the Cuxhaven district, with his parents and younger brother. He first began a commercial apprenticeship and then completed a teaching degree in Bremen . Until he was elected to the Bremen citizenship , Jungclaus was involved in local politics and in the staff council of the Seestadt magistrate in addition to his job as a teacher at the Bremerhaven commercial schools .

He was a member of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bremen citizenship for the 12th electoral term (1987–1991) and, until his death in 1992, for the 13th electoral term (1991–1995) . From 1991 to 1992 he was chairman of the data protection committee.

With his sudden death, Jungclaus left behind his wife, son and daughter.


  • Norbert Korfmacher: Directory of members of the Bremen citizenship 1946 to 1996 (= local politics. Volume 1). LIT, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3212-0 .
  • Magnus Buhlert: Liberals in the Bremen citizenship