Fred Wolcott

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Fred Arrington Wolcott (born November 28, 1915 in Snyder , Texas , † January 26, 1972 in Houston , USA ) was the best hurdle sprinter in the world during the late 1930s and early 1940s , when he held all four world records at the same time .


Even in high school in Snyder Wolcott was a very good hurdler / sprinter. He studied at nearby Rice University , where he became the best hurdler in the world. Since the 1940 Summer Olympics were canceled due to the war, he did not achieve any international success. However, since the relocation of the games was discussed, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) carried out the US Olympic Trials (athletics) in 1940, which Walcott won over 110 m hurdles. His national successes are shown in the table. He was seven times American champion of the AAU and five times university champion of the NCAA . He successfully built a drilling company that drilled for oil , natural gas and water in Texas . For his success he was accepted into the

  • Rice Athletics Hall of Fame
  • USA Track and Field Hall of Fame
  • Texas Sports Hall of Fame in 1958
  • Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame
  • Snyder Athletic Hall of Fame in 2005

Championships and records

  • American champion over 110 m hurdles in 1938, 1940 and 1941 (1939 second behind Joe Batiste )
  • American champion over 220 yards hurdles (straight track) in 1938, 1939, 1940 and 1941.
  • American college champion over 120 yard hurdles in 1938 and 1939 (1940 second behind Ed Dugger )
  • American college champion over 220 yard hurdles in 1938, 1939 and 1940.
  • World records 120 y / 110 m hurdles in 13.7 s in Philadelphia on June 20, 1941;
  • 200 m / 220 y hurdles (straight track) in 22.3 / 22.5 s in Princeton (New Jersey) on June 8, 1940.
  • World best time (not recognized by the IAAF ) over 200 m hurdles (with curve) in 22.9 s in Lincoln, Nebraska on July 4, 1939.

Individual evidence

  1. Arnd Krüger : Germany and the Olympic Movement (1918 - 1945), in: Horst Ueberhorst (Hrsg.): Geschichte der Leibesübungen , Vol. 3/2, Berlin: Bartels & Wernitz, 1982, 1026 - 1047.
  2. Olympics | publisher = Tucson Weekly | author = Dave Devine | accessdate = 4. February 2017
  3. , Fred | publisher = Texas Sports Hall of Fame | accessdate = 4. February 2017
  4.,5160370&hl=en%7Ctitle=Indoor Track Opens at Boston date, Fred Wolcott sprint = and hurdles January 12. | , 1940 | publisher = Eugene Register-Guard | accessdate = 4. February 2017
  5.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Athletic Hall of Fame | publisher = Rice Owls | accessdate = 4. February 2017@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. Wolcott | publisher = USA Track and Field auf. 4th February 2017
  7.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Fred | publisher = Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame | accessdate = 4. February 2017@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  8.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Wolcott - (1915-1972) | publisher = Snyder Hall of Honor | accessdate = 4. February 2017@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated February 4, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. History Of The NCAA Championships, 1921–2014 | publisher = Track and Field News @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. He improved the world record of Jesse Owens
  11. Progression of IAAF World Records 2011 Edition, Editor Imre Matrahazi, IAAF Athletics, p. 534.