Frederick House River

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Frederick House River
Frederick House river.JPG
location Cochrane District in Ontario (Canada)
River system Moose River
Drain over Abitibi River  → Moose River  → Hudson Bay
origin Night Hawk Lake
48 ° 35 ′ 0 ″  N , 80 ° 57 ′ 0 ″  W.
Source height 274  m
muzzle Abitibi River Coordinates: 49 ° 18 ′ 41 ″  N , 81 ° 16 ′ 53 ″  W 49 ° 18 ′ 41 ″  N , 81 ° 16 ′ 53 ″  W.
Mouth height 216  m
Height difference 58 m
Bottom slope approx. 0.58 ‰
length approx. 100 km
Discharge at Frederick House Lake Dam
A Eo gauge : 2,870 km²
MQ 1938/1994
Mq 1938/1994
32 m³ / s
11.1 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Buskegau River
Right tributaries Wicklow River
Flowing lakes Frederick House Lake

Frederick House River is a river in the Cochrane District of the Canadian province of Ontario .

It forms the drain of Night Hawk Lake . It flows through the neighboring Frederick House Lake in a northerly direction . 10 km north is the Frederick House Lake Control Dam , which regulates the runoff.

Another 10 km downstream is the Wanatango Falls . The construction of a hydropower plant is being planned there. The power plant is to be equipped with an output of 4.67 MW. It is to be operated as a run-of-river power plant with limited storage capacity. It should be able to hold back part of the water overnight and on weekends so that it can then fall back on an increased amount of water for the rest of the time. This forms a compromise between an optimal energy yield and the least possible interference with nature and the water balance.

The Frederick House River continues to flow north and after 100 km it reaches the Abitibi River coming from the east .

The name of the river and the nearby former trading post Frederick House (1785-1821) of the Hudson's Bay Company were named after Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany .

Web links

Commons : Frederick House River  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Frederick House River at the Frederick House Lake Dam gauge - hydrographic data from R-ArcticNET
  2. Xeneca Power Development Inc. - Frederick House River: Wanatango Falls
  3. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency ( Memento of the original from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /