Free for All (TV series)

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Television series
German title Free for All
Original title Free for All
Country of production United States
original language English
year 2003
length 21 minutes
Episodes 7th
genre Comedy
idea Brett Merhar
First broadcast July 11, 2003 (USA) on Showtime
first broadcast
January 20, 2005 on MTV Germany

Free for All is an animated series by producer Brett Merhar , who originally lends his voice to the character Clay Zeeman . Merhar's comic book of the same name serves as the template for the series . The series has a total of seven episodes.


  • Johnny G. Jenkins is a 19-year-old quiet, shy, blonde community college student and the main character on the series. While he's actually a personable guy who means well with everyone, he's a pretty immature failure. In addition, he is still unhappy in love with his neighbor Paula. His T-shirt has a special feature, because it shows a smiley face that can change depending on Johnny's emotional state. The mouth of the face is deformed in such a way that the smiley appears either happy, depressed or neutral.
  • Clay Zeeman is a sly, charismatic and selfishly malicious friend of Johnny. By simulating an accident in a “Taco Hell” branch, he became a multimillionaire overnight. Now he lives with his ferret Angus in a penthouse on the roof of a skyscraper. Nevertheless, he repeatedly cheats insurance companies, evades taxes and bribes and extorts tax investigators in order to further increase his wealth. He likes to spend his tons of free time smoking pot with Angus or in his Ferrari with beautiful women.
  • Douglas Jenkins , Johnny's father, is a heavy alcoholic, suffers from obesity and incontinence, and has an occasional propensity for violence. He does his job as a salesman for office supplies to no avail and tries constantly to persuade Clay Zeeman to invest in pointless business ideas. Douglas' dependent behavior regularly harasses his mother Sylvia, even though she has long since resigned herself to it. Douglas has no respect for Johnny, who in his eyes ruined his life as an unwanted child.
  • Sylvia Jenkins , Johnny's ancient grandmother, is a chain-smoking nymphomaniac who is ashamed of her entire family, especially her son Douglas. The three Jenkins live under one roof, which often creates tension.
  • Angus is a drug addict, often violent and filthy ferret , who used to be an experimental animal in a laboratory. Now Clay has taken him in, he is his constant companion and best friend. He has many anthropomorphic traits; so he can interpret human gestures with his little hands, smoke, play video games and also write. Whenever he takes drugs, he always lapses into hallucinations that are based on his current situation.
  • Paula Wisconsin is Johnny's great love. She lives in the house next door and has her bedroom across from the Johnnys. However, he has absolutely no chance with her, partly because she is in a relationship with the strong Chip. So far there has been little more between the two of them than conversations under the bedroom windows. Paula is obviously unpopular with many people and is often insulted as "tree-kissing ecotussi".
  • Omar is Indian and Johnny's best friend. He goes to the same college as Johnny and is just as immature, naive and a failure, often even more so than Johnny. The two of them are often victims of violence, mostly from Johnny's father or classmates.


role English speaker German speaker
Clay Zeeman Brett Merhar Bela B
Johnny G. Jenkins Jonathan Silverman Sebastian Schulz
Sylvia Jenkins Mitzi McCall Gisela Fritsch
Douglas Jenkins Sam McMurray Gerald Paradise
Paula Wisconsin Juliette Lewis Ranja Bonalana
Omar Jonah Convy Vanya Gerick


In the United States , Free for All was broadcast on Showtime cable television. In 2003 the series aired every Friday at 10:00 p.m. (American time).

MTV has been showing Free for All since January 20, 2005 in Germany . Initially broadcast regularly, the series was discontinued. The cartoon series was given new background noises and synchronized with German voices .

Although a sequel is hinted at in the final episode, there never was.

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