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legal form Division / brand of Daimler Trucks North America
founding 1939
Seat Portland , United States
Number of employees 19,000
Branch commercial vehicles

Freightliner Trucks (Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation, FCCC) is a US truck manufacturer and a brand of Daimler Trucks North America LLC , the largest manufacturer of heavy-duty vehicles in North America . Freightliner was taken over by Daimler-Benz in 1981 and has been part of the Daimler Group ever since . The company is headquartered in Portland , Oregon . Additional production facilities exist in the United States and Mexico.


The Freightliner story began when Leland James, Managing Director of Consolidated Freightways , decided to manufacture his own trucks for his haulage company. In 1939 "Freightways Manufacturing Corp." was founded as a subsidiary in Salt Lake City ( Utah ). One year later, the first own forward control truck type CF-100 with a diesel engine was completed. Freightliner was registered as a trademark in 1942.

In Germany, Freightliner tractors are best known for their Coca-Cola Christmas trucks.

In May 2015 was the model on the Cascadia Evolution based vehicle model inspiration truck a license for road transport in Nevada, United States, making it, according to Daimler, the first autonomous driving truck that can be moved on public roads.

The company employs 19,000 people and exports to 35 countries.

Web links

Commons : Freightliner  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Peter. Davies J: trucks of the world . The Lexicon of Brands and Models. Motorbuch, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-613-02257-5 , p. 126 .
  2. World premiere on the US highway: Daimler Trucks is putting the first autonomous truck on public roads . Archived from the original on June 12, 2019. Retrieved June 12, 2019.