Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium (Lünen)

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type of school high school
School number 169663
founding 1907

Friedenstrasse 12
44532 Lünen

place Luenen
country North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
Coordinates 51 ° 36 '39 "  N , 7 ° 30' 57"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 36 '39 "  N , 7 ° 30' 57"  E
carrier City of Lünen
student 1055
Teachers 80
management Heinrich Kroeger

The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium is a high school in the center of the city of Lünen , Unna district , in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia .


There was already a Latin school in Lünen at the end of the Middle Ages . From 1790 to 1799 the school reformer Johann Wilhelm Kuithan was principal at this school.

The current higher education system in the city of Lünen goes back to a rectorate school , which was first mentioned in 1605. From this school a Progymnasium emerged in 1907 , which was elevated to a Gymnasium in 1922. On the occasion of the move of the then Realgymnasium in 1931 to the new building on Friedenstrasse, the school was named after the Prussian state reformer Reichsfreiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom Stein (1757–1831), who, after retiring from public office, lived a few kilometers north of Lünen Cappenberg Castle located in the evening of his life. In the year it was named, the school moved into a new, architecturally remarkable school building that is still in use today. On September 15, 2007, “the FSG”, as it is called in the city, celebrated its hundredth anniversary with an all-day ceremony.


The main building of the school is a late expressionist red brick building - now a listed building - which was occupied in 1931 by what was then Freiherr-vom-Stein-Realgymnasium . The architects Dietrich and Karl Schulze from Dortmund were responsible for the construction and won a competition for the construction of the building. Similar to that of the Dutch architect Willem Marinus Dudok planned Dr. H. Bavinckschool in Hilversum , the new building of the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium from 1931 represents a new, reform-pedagogical school building type in the Weimar Republic. The yellow and green wall tiles in the entrance area and in the hallways are characteristic of the interior design of the school.

In November 2019, the school building, which is a prime example of New Building , was named Monument of the Month in Westphalia-Lippe by the LWL Monument Preservation, Landscape and Building Culture in Westphalia .

In addition to the school building, the headmaster's house (Friedenstrasse 10) was built in the same architectural style. Architecturally, both buildings form an ensemble - which, however, was not taken into account in the monument protection.

The route between the school and the headmaster's house was formerly called Jahnstrasse .


In the decades after the opening, the main building was expanded repeatedly. In 1984 it received an extension that harmoniously took up and continued the essential design features of the main building - in particular the execution of the wall surfaces in red-brown brick, the (technically complex and expensive) rounding of all vertical building edges and the cut of the windows. The same applies to the architecture of the free-standing sports hall that was completed at the same time. The fact that no standardized and less expensive functional buildings were built, but the style of the main building, which is listed as an annex and sports hall, was largely due to the commitment of the long-time art educator and neo-expressionist artist Rolf-Dietrich Ratzmann (1944–1992), who taught at the school at the time who was also connected to the grammar school as a former student.

The new building opened in 1999

The last extension to date was a three-story, free-standing flat-roof building designed by the Lüner architect Karl Marek in 1999. It contains specialist rooms for art and music, classrooms and other purpose-built rooms, as well as a school library on the upper floor with a floor plan that is recessed on three sides compared to the basement, is lined almost all around by generous glass surfaces and opens onto a roof garden, which is open in warm and dry weather can be used by the students. This clearly structured and modern-looking cube takes up the red-brown brick of the main building and the annex from 1984 in its masonry, but dispenses with the rounded corners. The new building rises at a distance of thirty meters exactly in the axis extension of the main building entrance and communicates with this and the entire main building via the large, transparent glass surfaces of its entrance front, which was completed in 1931 and houses the listed traditional building of the Freiherr- vom-Stein-Gymnasiums clearly reflects. Further correspondences between the old and the new building can be seen in the floor plan, flat roof, roof terrace, room doors and in the ceiling color of the penthouse floor.

Around 80 teachers teach almost 1,000 students at the school.

Special features of the school

  • The school has had computer technology since 1982. Software development is taught in the Java programming language .
  • The research workshop "EinStein" is an area of ​​the building with workshops and workrooms, in which students of all classes and levels can pursue science propaedeutic projects during and outside of school , which the students present to the public once a year on "EinStein Day".
  • In order to use the experiences and connections of the alumni for the current students, especially in vocational orientation and the procurement of suitable internship positions during and after school, the alumni network "SteinWerk" was founded in March 2006 with the support of the Robert Bosch Foundation maintained contact with students, parents and teachers via an Internet presence. It was directed by the alumni themselves. Since the SteinWerk used the portal of the Alumni at School eV association , which discontinued the service on March 31, 2015, it cannot be accessed until further notice.
  • The school newspaper Einstein is published quarterly at the editorial responsibility of the participating students.
  • Since May 2012 the school has been certified as a "European School in North Rhine-Westphalia".

Partnerships and development associations

  • For school exchanges, there are partnerships with the Webster Groves High School in St. Louis , Missouri (USA) and the Jeanne d'Arc institution in Étampes (France). The exchange with the Goethe School in Saint Petersburg (Russia), which has been maintained for many years, "became difficult" at the beginning of the 2010s, as the school website reported. Since 2018 there has been a partnership between the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium and the Zuider Gymnasium in Rotterdam .
  • The school is supported by the Association of Friends and Patrons of the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium eV .

Web links

Sources and individual references

  1. employees. In: Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  2. Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium Lünen (ed.): 75 years Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium Lünen 1907–1982: Contributions to the history of the school. Contzen, Lünen 1982, p. 9ff.
  3. Peter Gehrmann: The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium shines. Selm 2017, p. 74.
  4. Building description of the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium. In: Archived from the original on May 16, 2010 ; accessed on April 17, 2020 .
  5. Peter Gehrmann: The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium shines. Selm 2017, p. 82f.
  6. ^ Eva Dietrich: Monument of the month: New building in Westphalia par excellence. The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium in Lünen. In: LWL monument preservation, landscape and building culture in Westphalia, accessed on December 8, 2019 .
  7. "The design competition announced by the city of Lünen was won by the architects D & K Schulze, who in 1929 were given the design and construction management for the new construction of a high school and the construction of a director's house." Source: City of Dortmund, Urban Planning Office (ed.): D & K Schulze 1901–1929. Recklinghausen 1989, p. 35.
  8. Peter Gehrmann: The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium shines. Selm 2017, p. 102f.
  9. SteinWerk. In: Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  10. Current events in the first half of the year . Online at Accessed July 7, 2014.
  11. 12 new European schools awarded at the Floriade. In: Joint website of the Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Ministry for Schools and Further Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, May 8, 2012, archived from the original on December 27, 2015 ; accessed on April 17, 2020 .
  12. stays abroad. In: Retrieved April 17, 2020 .