Frieda Andreae

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Sophie Friederike "Frieda" Andreae (born March 15, 1840 on an estate near Frankfurt am Main , † after 1922) was a German writer .


Andreae was born as the oldest of nine children of a domain tenant on an estate near Frankfurt am Main. She was tutored at home by educators until she was 13 and later attended the model school in Frankfurt. During this time she lived with her grandmother. Returning home after her education, she became a housewife. The family later moved to a small university town where Andreae began writing. In 1884 she moved to Augsburg and two years later to Munich . She still lived here in Leopoldstrasse in 1922 ; no further details are known about her future life.


All of the works mentioned are short stories.

  • Camilla (1879)
  • In the Secret Annex. Prochnow, Berlin 1881.
  • The aunt's heirloom. Preyß, Augsburg 1884.
  • Dark ways of God. Klein, Barmen 1884.
  • A pair of siblings. (1885)
  • Eve. (1885)
  • Sister Barbara. Alt, Frankfurt a. M. 1886.
  • Sin is the ruin of the people (1891)
  • The victory of love (1892)
  • As the seed, so the harvest (4 stories, 1893)
  • Country or City (2 stories, 1893)
  • In the shadow of the sanctuary. The boulder (2 stories, 1903)
  • Grains of Gold (Tales in Three Volumes, 1903–1905)
  • Flowers and Stars (Tales in Two Volumes, 1904–1906)
  • Hot hearts. A life story, told from family papers (1910)
  • Around an everlasting wreath (1910)


  • Andreae, Miss S. Frieda . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 12 f. ( Digitized version ). (E-text not complete, see rest of the list of works )
  • Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . Volume 1. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1913, p. 61.
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. A lexicon . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 , ( Repertories on the history of German literature 9), p. 6.

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Individual evidence

  1. No copy can be found