Frieda Klein

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Frieda Klein , née Luitjens (born October 13, 1944 in Hage ; † August 10, 1963 near Gudersleben ) was a fatality on the inner-German border .


Frieda Klein had moved from Gelsenkirchen to the GDR with her fiancé Peter Klein in August 1962 because she was pregnant and wanted to get married. According to federal German law at the time, this was not possible because she had not yet reached the age of majority , whereas in the GDR the age of majority was 18. They married shortly after they moved. Their child was born in September 1962, but died at the age of two months.

The couple applied for resettlement in the Federal Republic. After this was rejected, they decided to flee. On the night of August 9-10, 1963, they approached the border and in the morning ran out of the forest towards the border. Frieda Klein, who was seven months pregnant, was seriously injured by gunfire and died on the way to hospital.

The public prosecutor's office in Erfurt closed the investigation against the shooter on May 9, 1995, as it could not be assumed that he had shot at the refugees with intent to kill. His former post leader died before the manslaughter charges could be tried.


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