Peace of Caltabellotta

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The Peace of Caltabellotta was signed in the Sicilian town of Caltabellotta on August 31, 1302 and was the last of a series of treaties, such as the Treaty of Tarascon and the Peace of Anagni , which resolved the conflict between the House of Anjou and the House of Barcelona for power in the Mediterranean , especially around Sicily and the Mezzogiorno , should be included.

The contract followed the actual ownership structure and divided the old Kingdom of Sicily into an island and a mainland part. The island, the kingdom of Trinakria, fell to Frederick II , the Mezzogiorno to Charles II of Anjou .

The treaty also stipulated that Trinakria should go to Anjou after the death of Frederick II. Until then, however, Charles II had to pay tribute to Frederick 100,000 ounces of gold, except for Pope Boniface VIII , Frederick II allowed the conquest of Sardinia or Cyprus . Frederick II handed over his possessions in Calabria and elsewhere on the mainland and released Charles II's son, Philip , Prince of Taranto, from custody in Cefalù . The marriage between Charles II's daughter, Eleonore , and Frederick II was arranged.

The consequence of this contract was that Roger de Flor and his Catalan company had to look for new employers because they were no longer needed as mercenaries. They were taken into service by Andronikos II of Byzantium. One of the Almogàvers , Bernat de Rocafort , refused to give up his two castles in Calabria without financial compensation. He was captured and died in 1309 in a dungeon of Robert of Anjou .