Friedrich August Köttig

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Friedrich August Köttig (born September 2, 1794 in Schwemsal ; † April 10, 1864 in Meißen ) was a German inventor and arcanist at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Meißen.

His father Johann Friedrich Köttig was shift supervisor at the alum plant Schwemsal near Bad Düben . After completing his studies at the Bergakademie Freiberg in 1811 , at the beginning of which he became a member of the Corps Montania , he began working as an arcanist in the porcelain factory in 1816 , became the first plant inspector in 1854 and retired in 1863.

In 1828, Köttig invented the Meißner Lasursteinblau . This process for the production of artificial ultramarine came into production in 1829.
