Friedrich Buschtöns

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Friedrich Buschtöns (born September 13, 1895 in Darmstadt , † April 14, 1962 in Berlin ) was a German theologian and senior church councilor .

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Buschtöns passed his Abitur exam and studied Protestant theology . After serving as a vicar , he was ordained a pastor . In 1924 he taught at the church seminar abroad in Stettin-Kückenmühle.

In 1928 he went to Brazil . He became pastor of the German congregation in Santa Cruz do Sul , head of the German School and deputy synodal president of the Evangelical Church of Rio Grande do Sul . In 1931 he returned to Germany and took over a pastor's position in Bielefeld . Here he found connection to the völkisch - nationalist positions of the German Christians and became one of their leading representatives in Westphalia .

In 1939 he was appointed to the Evangelical High Church Council (EOK) in Berlin, the highest church authority of the old Prussian regional church, as a regional church pastor with the official title of senior consistorial councilor . In the same year he declared his collaboration with the institute for the research and elimination of the Jewish influence on the German church life .

Buschtöns was responsible for education and training within the EOK. During his service time at the EOK he put together a collection of books called the "Landeskirchliche Hauptbibliothek" (regional church main library), with which he enlarged the library's holdings for the EOK. As a German Christian, he influenced the fact that predominantly National Socialist literature had to be purchased. During the Second World War , large parts of the library holdings were relocated to Züllichau and Stolberg (Harz) . The Buschtöns collection was saved by relocating it temporarily to Ilsenburg Castle . After the war, it first went to the church music school of the Evangelical Johannesstift before it was returned to the EOK.

In 1945 he took over the supervision of the church assets in Ilsenburg Castle and a little later of the church refugee camp in Stolberg. In 1946 Buschtöns was retired. But he also performed parish services afterwards, for example in Kleinmachnow . In 1955 he was part of the editorial and editorial team of the magazine Glaube und Gewissen, initiated by the Central Committee of the SED : a Protestant monthly.


He is buried in the Evangelical Churchyard Nikolassee .

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Prolingheuer, We went astray, Cologne 1987, p. 150
  3. Jens Bulisch: Evangelical press in the GDR: "The signs of the times" (1947-1990). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006 (work on contemporary ecclesiastical history: series B, representations; vol. 43), including: Leipzig, Univ., Diss., 2003 udT: Evangelical Press in the SBZ, GDR . ISBN 3-525-55744-2 , p. 179