Friedrich Christoph von Hammerstein

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Friedrich Christoph von Hammerstein (* 15. September 1608 in Schlossböckelheim in the Palatinate ; † 12. October 1685 on Good Oelentrup (in Dörentrup )) was a Swedish General Wachtmeister and brunswick-lüneburgischer General .


His father was electoral bailiff at Böckelheim Castle and died early. Friedrich Christoph joined the procession of the Protestant general Peter Ernst II von Mansfeld to Gábor Bethlen . As a pikeman he joined the regiment recruited in Holland and came with it to Stockholm in 1629 and to Germany in 1630 , where he now took part in the Thirty Years' War . He excelled in the defense of Olomouc in 1642 and 1643 and in 1646 with the removal of the bridge at Donauwörth .

In 1657 he took over the supreme command of the Braunschweig-Lüneburg troops and in 1659 the post of sergeant-general of the Cavellerie for the troops of the Alliance . In 1663 he retired from service to the Oelentrup estate pledged by Count von Lippe.
