Friedrich Gottlieb Barth

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Friedrich Gottlieb Barth (born August 3, 1738 in Wittenberg ; † October 6, 1794 in Schulpforte ) was a German pedagogue and linguist .


Born as the son of white baker Johann Christian Barth and his wife Catarina Elisabeth (née Krause), he grew up in his hometown, where he also attended the city school. Due to his very good performance he was sent to the electoral state school St. Augustin in Grimma on September 13, 1753 . On January 18, 1758, he returned to his hometown, enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on January 18, 1758, and on April 29, 1761 acquired the degree of master's degree at the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1764 he took over a position as deputy principal at the Wittenberg City School in Wittenberg, and three years later changed to the 3rd teacher at the Pforta State School . In Schulpforta he met Friederica Dorothea, the youngest daughter of the cantor Gottlob Geißler in Schulpforte, whom he married on October 6, 1767 and with whom he had 13 children, one of whom died prematurely.

According to the traditions from his time, he is said to have been a very good teacher who knew how to convey the ancient languages ​​in a lively and easily understandable way. Which is due to his own talent for learning languages. In addition to Latin and Greek, he also spoke several oriental languages, but also French, English, Italian and Spanish. He gave private lessons mainly in English and Italian, for which he received a certain amount of payment. He also wrote a few small grammatical instructions, but they were not printed. Only a Spanish language lesson including a reader was published.

His students included Friedrich Wilhelm Döring , Karl August Böttiger , Christoph Wilhelm Mitscherlich and Heinrich Karl Eichstädt , who were guided to a certain extent through his lessons. In 1781 Barth became vice rector and after Johann Gottfried Geißler had left school, he was promoted to rector of the institution and officially introduced into his office on April 27, 1787.

During Barth's term of office as rector, there were several writings that criticized the school's facilities and thus sparked a real dispute over the institution. So it was not an easy time for the rector. In addition, after a long and serious illness, Barth's strength began to wane in 1790. He later also complained of a loss of memory. In September 1794 he finally had to stop work for a week on the first day of the autumn exam due to a weakness attack, then after a brief improvement he took over the awarding of the bonuses to the students and tried to continue his official business.

But from September 27th the weakness increased so much that he could no longer get out of bed. After a short, painless bed, Friedrich Gottlieb Barth died on October 6th, 1794. A few days earlier he had pushed aside the sheet of paper on which he wanted to write his last will, because he believed that his friends and former students were already taking care of his family would. In fact, all the students present in Schulpforte alone collected 100 thalers for their rector's family in a few days, while one of Barth's dearest former students, church councilor Döring, took the youngest son of the family to bring up. Friedrich Gottlieb Barth was buried in the school gate on October 10, 1794, with all bells ringing.


  • Providentia Dei circa res singulares demonstrata: ac partim vindicata / praeses Christianus Kaschub… respondente Friderico Gottlieb Barth . Wittenberg 1761. ( digitized version )
  • De digressionibus poeticis . Wittenberg 1766
  • Brief instruction on the English language for beginners: according to the principles of Mr. Ludwig . Weißenfels and Leipzig, 1772
  • Epistola ad ... Carolum Henricum Geislerum ...: de nova editione property Deo volente procuranda . Leipzig 1773
  • Famam Virgilianam ab iniustis aliquot reprehensionibus vindicat . Numburgi, 1774
  • Lectures on some elegies of Properz: in addition to a prosaic translation of the queen of all elegies and a poetic two others / by Friedrich Gottlieb Barth . Dresden, 1775. ( digitized version )
  • Properties, Sextus: Sex. Avrel. Properties: Varietate Lectionis Et Perpetva Adnotatione; Accedvnt Indices Rervm Ac Verborvm Locvpletissimi / Illvstratvs A Frid. Gottl. Barthio . Leipzig 1777
  • Stricturas aliquot animadversionum ad Anacreontem proponit… / Frid. Gottlieb Barth . Naumburg 1777
  • Brief Spanish grammar: the correct pronunciation and all the principles necessary to learn this language are dealt with and explained in advance ...; In addition to a few exercises for beginners . Erfurt, 1778. ( digitized version )
  • A new collection of poetical pieces, original and translated, or new English poetic Chrestomathie / gathered u. with ext. Note ... vers. by E G. Barth . Erfurt, 1778. ( digitized version )
  • Catullus, Gaius Valerius: Epitalamium de nuptüs Pelei et Thetidos varietate Lectionis et perpetua adnotatione / illustratum a FG Doeringio. Praefatus est Fr. Gotd. Barth . Naumburg, 1778
  • Epistola, qua… Friderico Guilielmo Doeringio designato Lvicei Gubenensis Rectori munus hos mense Decembri 1782 adeundum / congratulations Fridericus Gottlieb Barth . Leipzig, 1782
  • Perillustri atque excellentissimo Domino Friderico Gottlob a Berlepsch… sacratum / Friedrich Gottlieb Barth . Leipzig, 1783
  • Eclogae recentiorum aliquot poetarum praestantiores. In Fine Additum Est Gulielmi Massiaei Carmen Elegantissimum Caffaeum . / [Determined: Friedrich Gottlieb Barth (Ed.)] Erfurt, 1783
  • Doeringio suo munus rectoris scholae oppidanae apud numburgenses susceptum, ratulatur… . Naumburg, 1784
  • Geislero suo affini desideratissimo… in patriam reduci . Naumburg, 1784
  • Brief Spanish grammar: in which the correct pronunciation and all the principles necessary to learn this language are dealt with and explained so that anyone who understands Latin will be able to learn this language in a few weeks without a teacher . 2nd, presumably edition Erfurt, 1788
  • M. Fr. G. Barth's former Rector in the Fürstenschule zu Pforta in Electoral Saxony, a concise Spanish grammar: in which the correct pronunciation and all the principles necessary to learn this language are dealt with and explained, so that everyone who understands Latin will be able to use this language in a few weeks Is able to learn without a teacher; In addition to a few conversations and a collection of pleasant stories and stories . Third increased and improved edition. Erfurt, 1797
  • M. Fr [iedrich] G [ottlieb] Barth's Grammatica espanola or Brief Spanish Grammar . Verm. u. ed. by Prof. Theophil Friedrich Ehrmann. Erfurt, 1807


  • Bey of the Barth and Geißler marriage connection , from ... Leipzig, 1767
  • During the marriage between Barth and Geissler, which took place on October 6, 1767 in Pforta, ... observed the extranei studying there . Naumburg, 1767
  • August Andreas Märtens and Gottlieb Ferdinand Kolbe: To the Barth and Geißler marriage, which was happily carried out on October 6, 1767 in Pforta, ... wanted to pay congratulations . Naumburg, 1767
  • Nuptiis Barthio-Geislerianis pridie nonas ostobres MDCCLXVII Portae celebratis hoc sacrant carmen alumni class.II. ordin . II . Naumburg, 1767
  • M. Frider. Viro: Theophilo Barthio munus collegae tertü in Provinciali schola portensi solemni ritu formulaque demandatum… grarulantur alumni classis II ord. II . Naumburg, 1767
  • M. Frider. Viro: Gottlieb Barthio munus collegae tertii in Provinciali schola portensi pie gratulantur alumni portenses . Naumburg, 1767
  • M. Frider. Viro: Gottlieb Barthium munus collegae tertü in Provinciali schola portensi more maiorum suscipientem püs plausibus excipiunt, extranei portenses . Numburgi, 1767
  • On the Barth and Geißler marriage, which took place in Pforta on October 6th, 1767, ... congratulations from the gatekeepers alumni . Naumburg, 1767
  • Friedrich August Weiz : The learned Saxony: or directory of those in the Churfürstl. Saxon. and incorporated writers and their writings now living in countries . Schneider, Leipzig 1780, pp. 8-9
  • Dedicated to the memory ... M. Friedrich Gottlieb Barth, who was rector at the Pforte country school ... by his former students . Wittenberg, 1794
  • Friedrich Gottlob Barth. in Friedrich Schlichtegroll: Nekrolog on the year 1794 containing news from d. Life of strange Germans who died in this year . Perthes, Gotha 1794, Vol. 2, pp. 344-348
  • Memoriam viri… M. Friderici Gottlieb Barthii rectoris et collegae de schola portensi… justa pietate colunt alumni et extranei portenses . Naumburg 1794
  • Obitum… M. Friderici Gottlieb Barthii… placida morte funeti pie lugent collegae et amici . Numburgi: Uligia, 1794
  • Johann Christoph Coelestin Schmieder: Stand speech given at the coffin of the noble bored Mr. M. Friedrich Gottlieb Barth, loyal principal of the Pforte country school . Weissenfels, 1794
  • Nekrolog for Friedrich Gottlieb Barth . In: intelligence sheet of the general literary newspaper . No. 122 of November 1, 1794, col. 969-970
  • Johann Gottlieb Barth in Nekrolog for Friends of German Literature . 4th piece, which contains the list of all German writers who died in 1794 and their writings, Christian Friedrich Buchner Ed. Von GS Rötger, Helmstädt, 1799, pp. 6-7
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800 . First volume. Fleischer, Leipzig 1802, pp. 182-183
  • Samuel Baur: General historical concise dictionary of all strange people who died in the last decade of the eighteenth century . Ulm: Stettin, 1803, Col. 47-48
  • Carl Friedrich Heinrich Bittcher: Gatekeeper Album: Directory of all teachers and students of the royal family. Prussia. Pforta State School from 1543 to 1843; a memorandum for the institution's third secular celebration on May 21, 1843 . Leipzig, 1843, p. 546
  • Friedrich August Eckstein : Nomenclator Philologorum . Leipzig, 1871, p. 28
  • Albert Fraustadt: Grimmenser Stammbuch 1900. Life news about pupils of the Princely School Grimma from the year it was founded in 1550 until today . Association of former princely students, Meißen 1900, p. 145
  • Fritz Heger: The Rectors of the Pforta State School . In: The gate . Journal of the Gatekeeper Association. 19th year 1942, issue 1, pp. 13-16
  • Fritz Heyer: From the history of the state school to the gate . Darmstadt, 1943, pp. 96-97
  • Friedrich Gottlieb Barth in: Konrad Schröder: Biographical and bibliographical lexicon of foreign language teachers in the German-speaking area, late Middle Ages to 1800 . Second improved u. extended edition, Augsburg, 1991, pp. 33-35
  • German biographical encyclopedia (DBE) edited by Walther Killy and Rudolf Vierhaus , Vol. 1, Aachen - Boguslawski. - Munich: Saur, 1995, p. 301
  • Petra Dorfmüller: Rectores portenses. Life and works of the rectors of the Pforta State School from 1543 to 1935 . Sax Verlag, Beucha 2006, ISBN 3-934544-96-7 , p. 25