Friedrich Hasslwander

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Joseph Hasslwander: Friedrich Hasselwander , Vienna, Austrian Gallery Belvedere 4477
Empress Maria Theresia in mourning costume , Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere 4529

Friedrich Hasslwander , also Haßlwander, (born October 4, 1840 in Vienna , † September 1, 1914 in Grein , Upper Austria) was an Austrian painter and writer.

Friedrich Hasslwander was the son of the painter Joseph Hasslwander (1812–1878), from whom he also received his first training. After attending the Technical University in Vienna in 1859/60 , he studied from 1860 to 1867 at the Vienna Art Academy with Carl Wurzinger . Afterwards he worked as a teacher at Viennese middle schools, from 1879 until his retirement at the Oberrealschule Vienna IV. From 1877 he was secretary of the Viennese pension association for visual artists.

He mostly painted religious and historical compositions in the romantic spirit and was also active as a writer. In addition to his “fantasy pieces”, he wrote for Austrian and foreign compilations.

The Haßlwanderweg in Vienna- Aspern , settlement Am Müllnermais, has been named after his father and him since 1928 .
