Friedrich I of Regensburg

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Friedrich I of Regensburg (* 1005 ; † 1075 in St. Blasien ) was the canon of Regensburg .

He is identical to Count Friedrich III. von Dießen and is considered to be one of the oldest demonstrable representatives of his line. His father was Count Friedrich II († around 1030), who administered the area around Dießen and Haching, his mother is unknown.

Friedrich was married three times; first with Hadamut (1060), daughter of Eberhard von Eppenstein , then in second marriage with Irmgard von Gilching and finally with Tuta, heir to the canon Hartwig I of Regensburg.

In 1035 he became Domvogt of Regensburg and in 1055 Count an der Sempt . He died in 1075 as a lay monk in St. Blasien .


See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Markus Schäfer: " Cronheim - a stage goal of the Staufer ?", 2018, on