Friedrich Lahmeyer (architect)

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Friedrich Ludwig Lahmeyer (born October 5, 1845 in Hanover ; † in the 19th or 20th century ) was a German architect .


Friedrich Ludwig Lahmeyer was born in the royal seat of the Kingdom of Hanover as the son of the organist and teacher at the Neustädter boys' school Johann Friedrich Lahmeyer , who at the time lived at Bäckerstrasse 163 in the Calenberger Neustadt .

From 1863 to 1868 Lahmeyer studied at the Polytechnic School in Hanover as a pupil of Conrad Wilhelm Hase , at times he also worked in Hase's architecture office.


  • 1868–1869: Construction management for the new construction of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Johannis-Pauli in Lower Saxony (design by Conrad Wilhelm Hase, construction management initially in 1868 by Ludwig Weg , then in 1869 by Friedrich Lahmeyer)
  • 1870–1872: Construction management for the new construction of the Evangelical Lutheran (St. Nicolai and) Liebfrauen Church in Kalefeld (design by Conrad Wilhelm Hase)
  • 1890–1892: New construction of the Evangelical Lutheran Chapel of St. Georg in Dögerode
  • o. J .: Adjacent building for the seminar in Wunstorf

Web links

  • Reinhard Glaß: Lahmeyer, Friedrich Ludwig in the database architects and artists with direct reference to Conrad Wilhelm Hase (1818–1902)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Reinhard Glaß: Lahmeyer, Friedrich Ludwig in the database architects and artists with direct reference to Conrad Wilhelm Hase (1818–1902) , last accessed on July 2, 2018
  2. ^ Compare the address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover from 1845, p. 120; as a digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library
  3. Lahmeyer, Friedrich. In: Günther Kokkelink , Monika Lemke-Kokkelink : Architecture in Northern Germany. Architecture and handicrafts of the Hanover School 1850–1900. Schlueter, Hannover 1998, ISBN 3-87706-538-4 , p. 544.