Friedrich Nachtsheim

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Friedrich Nachtsheim

Friedrich Nachtsheim (* 1888 in Andernach ; † 1965 ) was Mayor of Werl from 1923 to 1933.


Friedrich (Fritz) Nachtsheim, who studied and obtained his doctorate in Erlangen , came from a family in Andernach. His great-grandfather was already mayor there during the Napoleonic era. According to his own admission, he was a legal assistant in the city administration in Bergisch Gladbach . On September 6, 1922, the city council elected him mayor with 14: 6 votes; his opponent was called Krampe. A total of 63 applications for the mayor's office had previously been received. When he was inaugurated on May 12, 1923, the district administrator of Werthern put him in charge of small pensioners, social pensioners and the struggling middle classto the heart. Nachtheim's administration was characterized by constant friction with the city parliamentarians.

Nachtsheim was after the takeover by the Nazi relieved by the government President his duties. The Arnsberg District President ordered his leave of absence on March 28, 1933 under pressure from the NSDAP's district and district leadership. SA members residing in Werl attacked him in his apartment and seriously injured him on July 6, 1933. Nachtsheim is said to have resisted with gun violence and was taken into protective custody. His successor in office was Richard Klewer . He was retired in the spring of 1934 with the flimsy argument of permanent incapacity.

The city council opened criminal proceedings against Nachtsheim, according to which the retirement claims should be based. The outcome, as well as his further life, is not proven.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Werl unterm Hakenkreuz, Zeitgeschichte von Helmuth Euler 1933–1945, p. 19
  2. ^ Werl unterm Hakenkreuz, Zeitgeschichte von Helmuth Euler 1933–1945, p. 19