Friedrich Pohl (agricultural scientist)

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Friedrich Pohl (born July 19, 1768 in Benau near Sorau (Niederlausitz), † February 19, 1850 in Leipzig ) was a German agricultural scientist .

Pohl, son of a farmer, studied natural and camera sciences in Leipzig and then worked in practical agriculture, at times as an estate inspector. In 1816 he was given the full professorship for economics and technology at the University of Leipzig . From 1809 to 1844, Pohl published the Teutsche Landwirthschaft archive and, with this magazine, made a significant contribution to bringing new scientific and technological knowledge to Saxon farmers. Pohl is also the author of numerous specialist agricultural books.

Fonts (selection)

  • Detailed description of the rock and curved clover, two strange types of clover recommended for cultivation, together with illustrations . Leipzig 1800.
  • The rejuvenation of the meadows. In addition to a revision of the meadow economics theory . Leipzig 1810.
  • Agricultural technology textbook . Leipzig 1826; 2. verb. Edition ibid. 1843; Cheap edition, ibid. 1846.
  • The art of drying green beans so that they look fresh and taste just as good. In addition to instructions for drying young peas and instructions to turn sweet cherries into raisins, which are in no way inferior to grape raisins, but have advantages themselves . Leipzig 1829; 3rd edition, ibid. 1833.
  • The beetroot. A contemporary collection of everything that has anything to do with beetroot . Leipzig 1836.
  • The potatoes. A contribution to the history of their introduction and distribution, especially in Saxony - To celebrate the Potato Festival in Machern on December 9, 1840 (Leipzig 1841).



  1. Berau near Sorau is also often to be found as the place of birth ; this is a typographical error that was only passed on in the context of Pohl. See also biographies . In: New Lusatian Magazine . tape 29 , 1852, pp. 30 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

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