Friedrich Spandöck

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Friedrich Spandöck (born August 12, 1904 in Woytnicken , Fischhausen district (1939 to 1945: Samland district , East Prussia); † November 26, 1966 in Munich ) was a German acoustician .

He studied power engineering and economics in Gdansk and Munich and obtained his diploma in 1928.

In 1934 he joined the Central Laboratory for Sound Devices of Siemens & Halske AG Berlin , initially for the development of microphones and electrical measuring devices, later as head of an acoustic laboratory.

Around 1943 he headed the acoustics working group at Siemens Heinenhof in Neu Fahrland . In the turmoil of the last days of the war, he saved the entire inventory on his test ships to Mölln in Holstein, so that when work was resumed in the acoustic laboratories of Siemens & Halske in Erlangen, Munich and Hanover, a rich set of instruments was available.

In 1945 he worked on a new recorder for Deutsche Grammophon in Hanover. In the same year he became head of the electroacoustic laboratory of Siemens & Halske in Erlangen, which was then moved to Heidenheim.

In 1948 he took on teaching assignments for electroacoustics, room and building acoustics and noise suppression at the Technical University of Karlsruhe . In 1954 he was appointed honorary professor for electroacoustics by the TH Karlsruhe. In 1956 he also became an honorary professor for technical physics at the Technical University of Munich . He was the head of the electroacoustics specialist group at NTG (Telecommunications Society in the VDE).


  • with Wilhelm Janovsky (1904–1971): construction and investigation of a soundproofed room ; In Akustische Zeitschrift 2, 1937
  • Why are large-area membranes necessary to radiate low-frequency sound? ; 1945