Friedrich Szenkuröck

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Friedrich Szenkuröck (born February 6, 1911 in Vienna , † April 8, 1961 there ) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ), construction worker and President of the Chamber of Labor. Szenkuröck was a member of the Burgenland Landtag from 1956 to 1961 .

Szenkuröck was born as the son of the worker Robert Szenkuröck from Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge and attended elementary school in Mannersdorf. He then worked as a worker in the Perlmoser cement works in Mannersdorf and was involved in the trade union, although he was illegally active from 1934 after the Social Democratic Party was banned. In 1940 he served in the Wehrmacht , in 1946 he was released from British captivity. After his return, Szenkuröck was again employed as a worker in the Perlmoser cement works from 1946 and was elected chairman of the works council. From 1948 he also worked as the secretary of the central secretariat of the construction and woodworkers 'union in Burgenland and in November 1948 took over the function of the state secretary of the construction and woodworkers' union.

Szenkuröck represented the SPÖ in the Burgenland state parliament from June 11, 1956 and was president of the Chamber for Workers and Salaried Employees in Burgenland from October 4, 1948 . In addition, from 1953 he held the function of chairman of the ÖGB- Burgenland. Szenkuröck was married and died in 1961 as an active member of the state parliament and president of the Chamber of Labor. He was buried in Eisenstadt after his death.


  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Part II (1945-1995). Eisenstadt 1996 (Burgenland Research; 76), ISBN 3-901517-07-3