Friedrich Wiedemeister

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Friedrich Wilhelm Wiedemeister (born October 24, 1833 in Peine , † August 12, 1895 in Ballenstedt ) was a German psychiatrist .


Friedrich Wiedemeister studied medicine in Göttingen . In 1853 he became a member of the Corps Brunsviga . He completed his studies in 1856 with a doctorate as Dr. med. from. Until 1858 he was assistant to Karl Ewald Hasse in Göttingen. He then went to Berlin , Prague and Vienna to continue his studies . He then worked as a doctor at the insane asylums in Hildesheim and Osnabrück . In 1879 he founded a private institute for neuroses and psychoses in Ballenstedt , which he directed until his death.



  • Calcification of brain ganglion cells
  • Ephidrosis unilateralis
  • The Gheeler System of Treatment of the Insane
  • Double awareness
  • Cure from epilepsy
  • aphasia
  • Housing insane criminals
  • Initiation delirium
  • On mental illnesses in individuals and peoples
  • Caesar madness of the Julian-Claudian imperator family


  • Pagel: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century . Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1848. ( Permalink )

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 64 , 275