Friedrich Wilhelm Hauffe

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Friedrich Wilhelm Hauffe (born April 24, 1845 in Schildau , † April 16, 1915 in Dahlen ) was a German conservative politician ( German Conservative Party ).

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Hauffe attended high school in Torgau and was then trained as a practical farmer. On October 1, 1865, he joined the 72nd Infantry Regiment as a soldier and subsequently participated in the campaigns of 1866 and 1870/71 . In 1881 he moved to Saxony in order to take over the town estate with 50 hectares of land from his father-in-law in Dahlen and to manage it independently. He was chairman of an agricultural savings and loan fund and the local agricultural association. Hauffe acted as an economist and agricultural commissioner in state railroad expropriations .

From January 1889 to December 1901 Hauffe was a city councilor for Dahlen and a member of the city council. From June 1893 to June 1903 he represented the 11th Saxon constituency ( Oschatz - Grimma ) in the Reichstag . Furthermore, from 1897 until his death he was a representative of the 20th rural electoral district of the Second Chamber of the Saxon State Parliament .

The town estate in Dahlen was taken over by his son Alfred Hauffe , who was a member of the Saxon state parliament from 1928 to 1933 . Another son Martin Hauffe was a Saxon captain and leader of the steel helmet, Bund der Frontsoldaten in Dresden.


  • Elvira Döscher, Wolfgang Schröder : Saxon parliamentarians 1869–1918. The deputies of the Second Chamber of the Kingdom of Saxony in the mirror of historical photographs. A biographical handbook (= photo documents on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 5). Droste, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 3-7700-5236-6 , pp. 388-389.

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