Friedrich von Sölder

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Friedrich Leopold von Sölder zu Prakenstein (born April 27, 1867 in Meran ; † September 11, 1943 there ) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist .


After attending grammar school in Meran, Sölder completed his medical studies in Innsbruck and Graz and received his doctorate from Innsbruck University in 1891. His further life path led him to Vienna at the Second Medical Clinic to the neurologically oriented internist Otto Kahler (1849-1893). From 1893 to 1907 Sölder was assistant to the Second Psychiatric Clinic, initially under the chairman Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902), then under his successor Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940). Most of his scientific work comes from this period. In 1900 Sölder completed his habilitation in psychiatry and neurology at the University of Vienna. As part of the planning of a mental hospital on the so-called "Rosenhügel" in Vienna's 13th district, Friedrich von Sölder was appointed medical director by the board of trustees of the Nathaniel Freiherr von Rothschild Foundation on August 1, 1908, while at the same time assuming the duties of the client. Until 1912, Sölder was busy with the planning and construction of the institution, which finally went into operation on July 15, 1912 with the admission of the first patients. Over the following years, Sölder remained the permanent medical and economic director of the institution, also during the time as a Red Cross hospital in the First World War. In 1932 von Sölder retired. He died on September 11, 1943 in Merano.


Sölder was an expert on brain anatomy , and his scientific work is of great medical historical value. Among other things, he succeeded in the anatomical proof that in humans only about half of the optic nerve fibers (namely in the nasal area) switch to the other side (i.e. in the sense of a partial crossing), while those in the temporal area remain uncrossed. In neurology, the name Sölder was made unforgettable by the evidence of the connection between the onion skin-shaped lines around the mouth and nose or loss of sensitivity and the central localization of the descending trigeminal core in the medulla oblongata . His work in the psychopathological (with today's nomenclature, neuropsychological ) field, entitled "On Perseveration, a formal disruption in the process of imagination" , is also valuable ; it is about "that phenomenon of mental and linguistic retention that is not infrequently observed in organic brain damage". In the first years after his habilitation to Sölder dealt a lot with forensic psychiatric issues and worked then as a forensic psychiatrist at the Regional Court of Vienna.


  • On the anatomy of the optic chiasm in humans. Evidence of the partial crossing of the optic nerves due to the normal anatomical conditions. In: Clin. Wschr. 44 (1898) Vienna, pp. 996-999.
  • The segmental delimitation type in skin anesthesia on the head, especially in cases of syringomyelia. In: Yearbooks for Psychiatry and Neurology. 22 (1899), pp. 458-478.


  • Hans Ganner: Friedrich v. Sölder. Commemorative lecture in the Innsbruck Medical Association on his 100th birthday. In: Clin. Wschr. 79 (23), Vienna April 27, 1967, pp. 438-440.
  • Otto Pötzl : Friedrich von Sölder. On the 25th birthday of the Rosenhügel mental hospital (Rothschild Foundation!) . Scientific work Friedrich v. Mercenaries. In: Clin. Wschr. 88 (5) Vienna (1938), pp. 115-116.
  • Gernot Schnaberth, Ruth Koblizek: The neurology in Vienna from 1870 to 2010. MEMO association for historical research. Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-9501238-4-5 , pp. 98ff.
  • Gernot Schnaberth, Ruth Koblizek: 100 years of the Rosenhügel Neurological Center - One Nathaniel Freiherr von Rothschild Foundation. MEMO association for historical research. Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-9501238-5-2 , p. 26ff.

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