Fritz Heumann

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Fritz Heumann (born August 22, 1835 in Aachen , † November 27, 1905 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German industrialist.


Heumann studied mechanical engineering at the TH Karlsruhe . He then worked at the mechanical engineering institute in Cologne-Bayenthal and at the Vulkan shipyard in Stettin . In 1864 he joined the machine and wagon factory of Leopold Steinfurt in Königsberg. The following year he took over its management. After the company was converted into a limited partnership , Konrad Gaedeke became a limited partner and the most outstanding employee. In 1886 Heumann became the sole owner of the factory, which he expanded into one of the largest industrial plants in East Germany. In 1899 she had delivered 10,000 freight cars . When she moved to spacious grounds on the north bank of the Pregels in 1903/10was relocated, the son Felix Heumann (1869–1932) was head of the company. He also kept it in hand when it was converted into a limited liability company in 1906 (after Heumann's death) , of which Gaedeke was the chairman of the supervisory board . In 1922 the company was converted into a public limited company.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ German biography