Konrad Gaedeke

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Konrad Gaedeke (born October 7, 1843 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † May 17, 1912 ibid) was a German banker and industrialist in Königsberg.


Friedrich Heinrich Gaedeke bequeathed the Johann Jacobi bank to his sons Robert and Heinrich. Together with larger timber dealers , they founded the Königsberger Zellstoff-Fabrik AG on the Liep (Königsberg) in 1895 . It was the first and for a long time the only work of its kind in the province of East Prussia . In 1906 Konrad Gaedeke became chairman of the supervisory board of Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt GmbH. He sat on the supervisory boards of important Königsberg companies, including the iron foundry, machine and locomotive factory Union founded in 1828 , the Ponarth brewery and the Königsberger Vereinsbank founded in 1871 (which was founded in 1916 by the Disconto- Company was taken over). After his death went out, the Jacobi bank went to the Ostbank for trade and commerce .

Gaedeke was the first consul of the United States in East Prussia .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Fritz GauseGaedeke, Heinrich Konrad. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 16 f. ( Digitized version ).