Fritz new territory

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Fritz Neuland (born January 30, 1889 in Bayreuth ; † November 4, 1969 in Munich ) was a Jewish German lawyer from Munich.


After taking part in the First World War as a soldier - he therefore fell under the combatant's privilege after 1933 - he was admitted to the Munich Bar in 1919. In the 1920s he had a joint law firm in Munich with the later Bavarian Prime Minister Wilhelm Hoegner . In 1938 the authorities forced him to take the first name Siegfried . He survived the Second World War as a slave laborer .

After the war he returned to Munich and later became president of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Munich . From 1951 until his death in 1969 he was a member of the Bavarian Senate . On December 15, 1959, he was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit.

His daughter is Charlotte Knobloch .


  • Helga Schmöger (arr.): The Bavarian Senate. Biographical-statistical manual. 1947–1997 (= manuals on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 10). Droste, Düsseldorf 1998, ISBN 3-7700-5207-2 , pp. 229-230
  • Robert Heinrich: 100 years of the Munich Bar Association. Commemorative publication on the 100th anniversary of the entry into force of the Lawyers' Act of July 1, 1878. Beck, Munich 1979, ISBN 3-406-07443-X

Web links


  1. ^ Jewish life in Bavaria - From the old Munich to the new center. Bayerischer Rundfunk , accessed on March 21, 2018 .