Fritz Steigerwald

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Fritz Steigerwald (born November 5, 1937 in Würzburg ; † June 26, 2011 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale ) was a German politician (CSU). After graduating from high school and studying law, he started his career in Burglengenfeld . From 1976 to 2003 he was District Administrator of the Rhön-Grabfeld district .

On the occasion of the visa-free entry for FRG citizens from December 24, 1989 into the GDR, District Administrator Fritz Steigerwald symbolically crossed the Eußenhausen – Meiningen border crossing together with the Mellrichstadt mayor Oskar Herbig and the Mayor of Meiningen , Kurt Wiebel, on December 24, 1989 at midnight .

Since 1959 he was a member of the Catholic student association KDStV Thuringia Würzburg .

Honors (selection)

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