Fritz von Dardel

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Johan Tobias Sergel's statue of Gustav III. in Stockholm , painting: Fritz von Dardel, 1860

Fritz von Dardel (born March 24, 1817 in Neuchâtel , Switzerland, † May 27, 1901 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish officer, painter and satirical draftsman.


Crown Prince Karl painting watercolors, watercolor by Fritz von Dardel, 1849

Von Dardel was the son of the landowner Georges-Alexandre von Dardel and Countess Hedvig Sofia Lewenhaupt. Nils von Dardel (1888–1943) was a grandson. At sixteen, von Dardel became a cadet in an artillery regiment, in 1837 a second lieutenant in the Swedish court guard and in 1862 a lieutenant colonel in the Swedish army. As early as 1850 he became an adjutant to the Crown Prince, later Charles XV. From 1858 to 1862 von Dardel served as a military attaché in Paris. In 1864 von Dardel became the spokesman for the Swedish Art Academy , of which he had been a member since 1861. He was also spokesman for the governing body of the National Museum for 25 years (1867-1892) .

He was a juror at several art exhibitions in Europe (1867, 1871, 1873 and 1878) and Philadelphia (1876).

Von Dardel trained as a painter with Léon Cogniet and Eugène Louis Lami in Paris.

Fritz von Dardel belonged to Charles XV. close circle and created a multitude of watercolors on people and events at the Swedish court, as well as on royal journeys. He also designed lithographs and pictures of the life of the common people. His posthumously published diaries were in French , as von Dardel never really learned Swedish .

Works (selection)

  • Minnen från Stockholm (together with JA Cronstedt, 1840–1844)
  • Teckningar ur dagens händelser (1848–1852)
  • Gubben med skåpet (1849)
  • Familjen Tutings lustresa till Bomarsund (1853)
  • Svenska och norska arméerna including flottorna i deras nuvarande uniformering (1861–1863)


Web links

Commons : Fritz von Dardel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files