Géza from Horváth

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Géza von Horváth (born November 23, 1847 in Csécs , Kingdom of Hungary , now Slovakia ; died September 8, 1937 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian doctor and entomologist .

During his school days in Košice , Horváth had the opportunity to collect insects with the natural scientist Ludwig Heinrich Jeitteles . He studied medicine at the University of Vienna , where he in 1872 to Dr. med. received his doctorate . After a temporary job as an assistant at the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest, he moved to Forró , where he practiced as a general practitioner from 1875 . From 1878 Horváth worked as a district doctor in Varannó .

In 1880 Horváth received an order from the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture to set up a scientific station to combat the phylloxera plague , which he successfully implemented. In 1896 he returned to the National Museum and took over the management of the zoological department there .

Horváth had been a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 1877 and was class president from 1919 to 1934. His scientific interest lay primarily in the research of the Schnabelkerfen (Hemiptera) and in particular the family of the net bug (Tingidae). In 1884 he founded the insectology journal Rovartani Lapok . The Croatian mountain lizard , described for the first time by his friend Lajos Méhelÿ in 1904, was named Lacerta horvathi (today: Iberolacerta horvathi ) in his honor .


Individual evidence

  1. Susanne Strnadl: The search for the rarest reptile in Austria. Der Standard, February 19, 2017, accessed February 19, 2017