Günter Stiff

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Günter Stiff (born May 23, 1916 in Cologne , † September 10, 2002 in Münster ) was a German publisher and writer .


Günter Stiff, son of the Münster district administrator Max Stiff , studied economics , founded the Catholic Deutscher Jugend Verlag in 1947 , later renamed Komm-Mit-Jugendverlag , and managed it until his death at the age of 86.

He was an author for youth literature and Christian writings, such as the youth magazine "Komm-mit". Every year he published the pocket calendar "Komm-mit-Kalender". Report (Baden-Baden) reported critically in 1994 on the address section of the calendar, which also lists new right and extreme right magazines and organizations. The Episcopal Vicariate General in Trier classified this calendar as right-wing extremist and distanced itself from it. His game manual "1000 Youth Games" reached a circulation of over 400,000 copies. The poster service "Ecclesia" appeared in his publishing house. In 1971 he founded the Christoferuswerk , an action group of Catholic and Protestant Christians.

Stiff, a former member of the Center Party , founded the Democracy 2000 party - Alliance for Freedom and the Basic Law - together with Felizitas Küble and others in 1988 .

He was close friends with the Jesuit priest Lothar Groppe and the member of the Bundestag Erna-Maria Geier .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of December 19, 1994: Nolte letter to Kanther ( online )