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Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 524 amino acids
Secondary to quaternary structure multipass (12 TMS) membrane protein
Gene name SLC2A2
External IDs
Transporter classification
TCDB 2.A.1.1.29
designation Major facilitator superfamily / glucose transporter
Parent taxon Vertebrates

Glut-2 in the basal membrane of epithelial cells

GLUT-2 (glucose transporter type 2) ( gene : SLC2A2 ) is the name for a glucose transporter . GLUT-2 is localized in the cell membrane of several mammalian cell types and enables glucose to be introduced or discharged independently of insulin . In humans, GLUT-2 is mainly produced in the liver , small intestine , kidneys and pancreas . Mutations in the SLC2A2 gene can render the protein unusable; this causes the rare Fanconi-Bickel syndrome .

Up until now, many textbooks have held the wrong opinion that human β cells of the pancreas express GLUT2 like those of the rat or mouse. In fact, it is the glucose transporter GLUT1 .


The task of GLUT-2 in the mucous membrane of the small intestine is normally to channel the glucose, galactose and fructose molecules absorbed from the intestinal lumen via SGLT1 and GLUT-5 into the blood. However, if there is a high glucose content in food, GLUT-2 is also localized apically (in the intestinal lumen) and thus increases glucose uptake through diffusion. Similar to SGLT1, GLUT-2 reabsorbs glucose in the kidneys.

In the liver, but also in the brain, GLUT-2 is, apart from facilitating the glucose uptake, possibly part of the measuring device for the glucose level.

Individual evidence

  1. InterPro: IPR002440 Glucose transporter, type 2 (GLUT2)
  2. a b UniProt P11168
  3. LJ McCulloch, M. van de Bunt, M. Braun, KN Frayn, A. Clark, AL Gloyn: GLUT2 (SLC2A2) is not the principal glucose transporter in human pancreatic beta cells: implications for understanding genetic association signals at this locus. In: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. Volume 104, Number 4, December 2011, pp. 648-653, doi : 10.1016 / j.ymgme.2011.08.026 , PMID 21920790 .
  4. D'Eustachio / Wright / Transport (efflux) of fructose, galactose, and glucose by GLUT2
  5. Kellett GL, Brot-Laroche E, Mace OJ, Leturque A: Sugar absorption in the intestine: the role of GLUT2 . In: Annu. Rev. Nutr. . 28, 2008, pp. 35-54. doi : 10.1146 / annurev.nutr.28.061807.155518 . PMID 18393659 .
  6. Eny KM, Wolever TM, Fontaine-Bisson B, El-Sohemy A: Genetic variant in the glucose transporter type 2 is associated with higher intakes of sugars in two distinct populations . In: Physiol. Genomics . 33, No. 3, May 2008, pp. 355-60. doi : 10.1152 / physiolgenomics.00148.2007 . PMID 18349384 .

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