Gabbro Crest

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Gabbro Crest
location Queen Elizabeth Land , West Antarctica
part of Forrestal Range , Pensacola Mountains , Transantarctic Mountains
Gabbro Crest (Antarctica)
Gabbro Crest
Coordinates 83 ° 23 ′  S , 50 ° 22 ′  W Coordinates: 83 ° 23 ′  S , 50 ° 22 ′  W

Gabbro Crest is a 1750  m high mountain ridge in Queen Elizabeth Land in West Antarctica . In the Forrestal Range of the Pensacola Mountains, it looms between the Sheriff's Cliffs and the Vigen Cliffs on the southeastern edge of the Saratoga Table .

The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1979 at the suggestion of the US geologist Arthur B. Ford of the United States Geological Survey . It is named after the rock gabbro , from which the Forrestal Range mainly consists.

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