Gabriel Bonvalot

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Gabriel Bonvalot

Pierre Gabriel Édouard Bonvalot (born July 13, 1853 in Épagne in the Aube department, † December 10, 1933 in Paris ) was a French explorer and author .


From 1880 to 1882 he traveled to Central Asia , conducted research in Kohistan and returned to France via Bukhara , the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus .

In 1886 he crossed the Pamirs for the first time from Ferghana in Turkestan to Chitral in India .

He crossed Tibet from Lop Nor to Nam Co (1889), traveled through Asia from Siberia to Tonkin (1889–90) and headed an official mission to Entotto in Ethiopia .

The French landscape painter Albert Pépin (1849–1917) accompanied Bonvalot on his research trip through Central Asia .


  • De Moscou en Bactriane (1884)
  • Du Caucase aux Indes; a travers Le Pamir (1889)
  • De Paris au Tonkin à travers Tibet inconnu (1892)
  • L'Asie inconnue (1896)
  • Marco Polo (1925)

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See also