Gabriele Herrmann

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Gabriele Herrmann (born October 23, 1975 in Saarbrücken ) is a German politician ( CDU ). Since December 11, 2018 she is deputy in the parliament of Saarland ( Landtag ).

Live and act

After obtaining the general university entrance qualification at the Marienschule in Saarbrücken , Gabriele Herrmann studied business administration at the Saarland University from 1995 and graduated in 2003 with a degree in business administration . From 2004 to 2005 Herrmann worked in the press and public relations department of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and then until 2006 as personal assistant to the Minister for Economics and Labor, Hanspeter Georgi . From 2006 she moved to the Ministry of Economics, Labor, Energy and Transport , first as an employee in the department for “Founding, SMEs, Crafts, Trade, Services, Chambers”, from 2009 as a consultant in the department for “Fundamental Matters of SMEs” and finally from 2011 as deputy head of the "Training and Further Education, Skilled Worker Assurance" section.

In 1995 Herrmann joined the Junge Union and has been a member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) since 1998, where she performed various functions. Since 2007 she has been deputy chairwoman of the CDU local association in Gersweiler and since 2009 an assessor in the district executive committee of the CDU Saarbrücken-Stadt. Furthermore, she was a member of the CDU Saarbrücken-West district executive from 2005 to 2015, deputy chairwoman from 2015 to 2018 and has been chairwoman of the district association since 2018. In 2003 and 2004 Herrmann was a member of the Saarbrücken-West District Council and has been a member of Saarbrücken City Council since 2005.

In the state elections in Saarland in 2017 , Herrmann ran for the CDU in 6th place on the constituency list of the Saarbrücken constituency , but narrowly missed the entry into the state parliament. After increasing political isolation, the former President of the Landtag, Klaus Meiser , resigned from his Landtag mandate on December 5, 2018. Gabriele Herrmann moved up for him on December 11, 2018 via the constituency list. For the CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament, she is a member of the Committee for Europe and Issues of the Interregional Parliamentary Council, the Committee for Mine Safety and Post-Mining , the Sub-Committee for Construction and the Sub-Committee for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of the approved district and state election proposals for the election to the 16th state parliament of Saarland on March 26, 2017 . In: Saarland Official Gazette . Part I. February 6, 2017, p. 125 ( [PDF; 355 kB ; accessed on March 20, 2019]).

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