Alexander von Richter

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Family coat of arms of the von Richters

Christoph Melchior Alexander von Richter (born February 16, 1802 in Riga , † March 30, 1864 in Riga) was a German-Baltic baron , political scientist , legal historian and real councilor in the Russian Empire .


Alexander studied political and camera science in Saint Petersburg , Dorpat and most recently in Göttingen since 1819 . A study trip then took him to London and Paris . He returned to Riga in 1825 and received on September 23, 1825 the dignity of a Master of Arts from the Imperial University of Dorpat . Then followed a longer period as a civil servant in Saint Petersburg, where he was employed by the College of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). With the rank of Livonian government councilor he returned to Riga in 1840 and was assigned to special assignments by the Baltic Governor General Prince Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov as an "elderly official". He spent the last phase of his life in Munich and Dresden . In Munich he received his doctorate in law and returned to Riga in 1864. Here he campaigned increasingly for the Baltic judicial reform.

Origin and family

Alexander v. R. came from the German-Baltic noble family von Richter . His father was the Russian major general Leonhard von Richter (1778 - 1823), who was married to Margaretha Dorothea von Richter, a born Freiin von Budberg (1759 - 1809). Alexander married Martha Helena Eugenia von Budberg (1818 - 1862), their descendants were:

  • Helene von Richter (* 1846 in Riga; † 1919 in Frankfurt a. M.) ∞ Otto Philipp Donner von Richter (1828 - 1911), painter and archaeologist
  • Theodor Andreas Gotthard Baron von Richter (* 1852 in Riga, † 1925 in Jena)
    • Leonhard Christoph Hugo von Richter (* 1901) ∞ Ada Maud Wolter (* 1907 in Chemulpo )


  • Essai sur le commerce maritime des neutres.
  • The Livonian criminal process according to the indigenous sources and the auxiliary rights, with reference to the principles of a correct process theory and the newest legislation . T. 1-2, Riga, 1845
  • The secret book of the Rigashen Mayor Jürgen Dunte u. Riga's trade policy in d. I half d. 17th century // Inland (1857) 2–3
  • About the historical development of the guild system in the Baltic Sea provinces, especially in Riga. // Inland (1857) 9-10.
  • History of the German Baltic provinces incorporated into the Russian Empire: up to the time of their union with the same , Vol. 1 + 3; History of the German Baltic Sea provinces incorporated into the Russian Empire: until the time of their union with the same, Volume 2, new edition, Verlag N. Kymmel, 1858, original from University of Michigan
  • Paper on the reform of the procedural legislation in the Baltic provinces , Riga, 1864


Individual evidence

  1. Diss. Présentée à la falculté de philosophie de l'Université impériale de Dorpat, pour optenir le grade de maitres-arts . Dorpat 1825, 70 p. Also in the form of a comment without the author's name