Galactica (Alton Towers)

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Location Alton Towers
( Alton , Staffordshire , UK )
Type Steel - Flying
model Flying Coaster
Drive type Chain lift hill
Manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard
costs £ 12 million 
opening March 16, 2002
length 840 m
height 20 m
Max. speed 75 km / h
Max. acceleration 3.5 g
Travel time 1:40 min
capacity 1500 people per hour
Trains 3 trains, 7 cars / train, 1 row of seats / car, 4 seats / row of seats
elements Lie-to-fly ,
fly-to-lie ,
inline twist
Inversions 2
Subject area Forbidden Valley

Galactica in Alton Towers ( Alton , Staffordshire , UK ) is a steel roller coaster of the Flying Coaster model from the manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard , which was opened as Air on March 16, 2002 . It kept this name up to and including 2015. It is located in the Forbidden Valley themed area of ​​the park.

It was the first flying coaster from the Swiss manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard. People travel large parts of the route in prone position and thus experience the feeling of flying .


Galactica is located near Nemesis . The roller coaster has a double station, so it is possible that one train can be loaded while the passengers get off another train. After taking a seat and closing the shoulder bars, the seats rotate 90 ° forward so that the passengers are looking at the floor. Just like the Corkscrew roller coaster , Galactica also has a green-colored lift hill to camouflage it within the trees .


Galactica has three trains with seven cars each. Four people (one row of four) can be seated in each carriage.

Web links

Commons : Air (roller coaster)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 59 '9.4 "  N , 1 ° 52' 55.2"  W.