Galeazzo Campi

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Galeazzo Campi, painted by his son Giulio

Galeazzo Campi (* 1477 in Cremona ; † 1536 there ) was an Italian painter of the late Renaissance .

He was a student of Boccaccio Boccaccini . His way of rendering was rather rigid, but careful. His landscape paintings show influences from Perugino and Giovanni Bellini . The first established date of his activity is 1515, in which he signed a now lost raising of Lazarus . However, he could be assigned works that belong to the first decade of the sixteenth century, some of which have also been lost. In 1517 he and his brother Sebastian are mentioned in an account book of the fabbrica des Domes von Cremona . The last signed and dated work is from 1528, an altar panel with St. Peter on the cathedra and the apostles Philip and Paul in the parish church by Solarolo Rainerio . The year of his death is mentioned in the publication of his son Antonio, Cremona fedelissima , published in 1585 .

Galeazzo Campi was the head of a family of artists who lived in Cremona in the middle and towards the end of the 16th century and left behind numerous works. His three sons, Giulio Campi , Antonio Campi and Vincenzo Campi, are considered to be more significant in terms of art history .


Web links

Commons : Galeazzo Campi  - collection of images


  1. Proof in EDIT16