Galina Mikhailovna Schirmunskaya

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Galina Mikhailovna Schirmunskaya

Galina Michailowna Schirmunskaja ( Russian Галина Михайловна Жирмунская ; born May 20, 1926 in Moscow , † November 12, 2010 in Rochester (New York) ) was a Soviet architect .


Schirmunskaja's father was the Jewish geographer Michail Matvejewitsch Schirmunski (1896–1974), while her mother was an English teacher. In 1944, Schirmunskaja began studying at the Moscow Architecture Institute (MArchI), which she graduated in 1950. Her teachers were Mikhail Pavlovich Parusnikow , Gennady Jakowlewitsch Mowtschan and Stepan Christoforowitsch Satunz .

After graduating, Schirmunskaja worked in the Moscow Mos project in Vladimir Georgievich Helreich's workshop. In the 1960s and 1970s she was chief architect in Yevgeny Nikolayevich Stamo's workshop. After their projects, high-rise residential buildings were built in Moscow. The high school of the trade union movement , built according to their project, received high recognition, so this building became the model for the Komsomol School and the Academy of Economics in Moscow. Her greatest success was the construction of the cinema of the House of Veterans in Moscow, which influenced the design of many related facilities.

Schirmunskaja later headed the project planning work at the Institute for Urban Development Giprogor (1976–1980) and at the Combine for Monumental Art .

From 1993, Schirmunskaja lived in Rochester (New York) in the USA . She was married to the architect Felix Aronowitsch Nowikow .

Honors, prizes

  • State Prize of the RSFSR (1979) for the architecture of the cinema of the House of Veterans in Moscow

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Памяти Г.  М.  Ирмунской . In: Моспроектовец . No. November 11 , 2010.
  2. a b c d e Российская Еврейская Энциклопедия: ЖИРМУНСКАЯ Галина Михайловна (accessed March 27, 2020).
  3. Г. Жирмунская: Для « Большого Мосфильма » . In: Моспроектовец . October 24, 1975.
  4. Н. Пекарева: В поисках архитектурной выразительности . In: Строительство и архитектура Москвы . No. 12 , 1974.
  5. В. Ф. Седлецкая (Ed.): Лучшие произведения советских зодчих . Стройиздат, Moscow 1983, p. 74-81 .
  6. Постановление Совета Министров РСФСР № 622 от 19 дек 1979 Диплом № 644.